Can you find a single action that does not follow the law of maximum benefit? Try to notice the law of maximum benefit at work in your life. Can you share new insights that you have discovered?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Science of Human Emergence Our Inner Program Can you find a single action that does not follow the law of maximum benefit? Try to notice the law of maximum benefit at work in your life. Can you share new insights that you have discovered?

  • #33179

    Gil Shir

    Can you find a single action that does not follow the law of maximum benefit? Try to notice the law of maximum benefit at work in your life. Can you share new insights that you have discovered?

Viewing 6 posts - 7 through 12 (of 56 total)
  • Author
    • #371057

      I can’t think of a single thing…crazy. I will have to spend some time with this concept!

    • #367136

      the only things would be things i am forced to do that i cant see self benefit in

    • #367089
      Zach Ansel

      I can’t think of an action that does not follow the law of maximum benefit. Even self sacrificing acts are done based on a calculation of perceived benefit. For example, a soldier who sacrifices himself for his unit is still making that decision based on a perceived benefit from doing so.

    • #362481


    • #359832
      matthew shifflett

      your absolutely right that’s wild.

    • #357446

      The action of artistic expression that reflects the beauty of divine love through form of a song coming from the heart

Viewing 6 posts - 7 through 12 (of 56 total)
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