Can you find a single action that does not follow the law of maximum benefit? Try to notice the law of maximum benefit at work in your life. Can you share new insights that you have discovered?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Science of Human Emergence Our Inner Program Can you find a single action that does not follow the law of maximum benefit? Try to notice the law of maximum benefit at work in your life. Can you share new insights that you have discovered?

  • #33179

    Gil Shir

    Can you find a single action that does not follow the law of maximum benefit? Try to notice the law of maximum benefit at work in your life. Can you share new insights that you have discovered?

Viewing 6 posts - 25 through 30 (of 56 total)
  • Author
    • #293567

      observing other people’s ego is really observing my own

    • #292821

      The creator made max benefit law as he is the one who gives it. He gives it to us so like him we can maximize our benefit. This is represented in all forms in our lives and based around our perceptions of maximizing our benefits.

    • #290775
      Erica K.

      We are selfish in nature, so we are always having to always work above our selfish desires for those of us with awakened points in our hearts.

    • #287494

      Such an action cannot be found in our world, because this world is built strictly on the desire to receive. We can, however, correct the intention with which we receive this benefit. It is only for me personally or it is for all people, the whole planet, etc.

    • #286187
      dree monster

      everything i see follows the law of maximum benefit

    • #283992
      Richard Lively

      Survival and being the sense of being observed change the way all matter will behave, we see this especially in light particles.   Survival is a desire  to fulfil stimuli defined by the mind as needs.  We can actually learn more quickly if its about a matter of survival.  Being observed will make one understand they are not alone and affects action in all parts of matter but especially in humans.  There are several experiments where money is put out in the open and says free, but has a pair of eyes draw on a board and because of this no one takes the money until one person out of hundreds finally does.  There are at one documentary on brain games on this because that is where i saw it.

Viewing 6 posts - 25 through 30 (of 56 total)
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