Do you identify some of the effects mentioned in the lesson, with regards to how your social relations affect your health?

New Home Forums Course Forums Happiness 2. What Do Social Connections Have to do With My Health? Do you identify some of the effects mentioned in the lesson, with regards to how your social relations affect your health?

  • #28458


    Do you identify some of the effects mentioned in the lesson, with regards to how your social relations affect your health?

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  • Author
    • #359943
      Rune T. A.

      Yes, I have experienced what loneliness and isolation can do to person. And I also know how speaking about it to someone trusted and understanding can help the healing process.

    • #359366
      Jack Davidsen

      Thank you, Sarah Knox, for this awesome presentation! I can attest that everything you said in this video is 100% true, and I can do so because I have experienced it myself.

      I’d rather not go into detail right now about why and how I know it all to be fact with such certainty. But please allow me to say this:

      I appreciate everything that you all have shared in this forum about your own experiences, and I understand what you have gone through because I have gone through it myself. I love your awareness and your determination to be kind to others.

      Thank you so much, everybody! 🙂

    • #337351
      Purity K

      I had not really thought about how social relations affect my health until now. This is something that I need to look deep into. Thank you for opening my eyes!


    • #321015

      Darn yes! So damn painfully, especially with the part of being rejected and shamed in front of a group (very recent and raw experience) it really feels like physically  ripping the heart and guts out, you just have a hint of strength on spot to not fall apart, but when have the chance to hide … oh Lord, it all happens: complete breakdown!  – still crying it out 😭. Although I know it all comes from the Creator and can find the way to get going – that’s why I am here – it hurts tremendously when it comes from a place you least expect. “I don’t care what you feel”  hurts more then anything I ever felt before … I trust the Creator’s plan to use this in a collectively useful way.

    • #316234

      Yes, definitely! Isolation is completely different from “alone time”. I feel very deeply and loneliness used to be something that would completely overtake me to the point that I “became” this emotional state- and consequently-depressed! Depression nearly killed me and it kills people on the daily. So grateful to be connected and loving life today through the Wisdom of Kabbalah 💖

    • #310180

      It’s moving to read your responses. Well, I’m pretty much a loner. It’s almost scarry to hear how strong this impact can be. I do not experience it in such a way as the video describes, but I do feel the positive side of it; when I have nice social interactions I definately feel more energetic.

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