Do you identify some of the effects mentioned in the lesson, with regards to how your social relations affect your health?

New Home Forums Course Forums Happiness 2. What Do Social Connections Have to do With My Health? Do you identify some of the effects mentioned in the lesson, with regards to how your social relations affect your health?

  • #28458


    Do you identify some of the effects mentioned in the lesson, with regards to how your social relations affect your health?

Viewing 6 posts - 37 through 42 (of 43 total)
  • Author
    • #51500
      Rodrigo Tavares

      I believe that when I donate, the universe continues to send me gifts in order for me to continue donating. Spending on myself opens up a void that always asks to be filled by spending more on myself.
      I don’t understand how it works and I would love to understand and thus be aware of the need to increase my help to others, without fear of missing my needs.

    • #50606

      Yes I recognize the affects, although I perform counseling with many contacts with people through the week, I am a loner. I have been a loner most of my life, then in my 40’s had a severe illness that required stem cell transplant to put in remission. I have just learned in this session that an increase in social connection is the medicine I need to keep this illness in remission. Unfortunately, I live in an area that most people are in negative mindset as their life has been turned upside down by papermill closures and connecting with them is having to listen to negative energy discussions. I am quite isolated from spiritual seeking people to connect with.

    • #45425

      Maybe my eating disorder is caused by lonelyness.

    • #43282

      Agreed, we have experienced this in the Corporate world, especially where relationships are strained due to toxic relations with managers.

    • #42948

      Absolutely, when looking back at the times I have had more social stimulus, I notice I laugh more, I am more engaged and have a more positive mindset.

    • #42430

      Its important to promote the frequencies needed to heal humanity to reach out and affect others so that changes can begin rippling

Viewing 6 posts - 37 through 42 (of 43 total)
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