Do you ever feel like reality is the product of your own perception?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 2. Perception of Reality Do you ever feel like reality is the product of your own perception?

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    • #295519


    • #295491

      I believe that there is the Ultimate or Absolute Reality which is there and which I am aspiring to know and understand. In the process to know and understand Reality as it is i end up creating my own sense of reality as i think it is This however is tainted by my mindsets and beliefs and coleective consciousness. Therefore my relative reality is the product of my perception.

    • #295490

      I believe that there is the Ultimate or Absolute Reality which is there and which I am aspiring to know and understand. In the process to know and understand Reality as it is i end up creating my own sense of reality as i think it is This however is tainted by my mindsets and beliefs and coleective consciousness. Therefore my relative reality is the product of my perception.

    • #295447

      I don’t feel like reality is a PRODUCT of my perception. More like a wall or heavy barrier that I have to constantly dig at to get a glimpse.

    • #295446

      I don’t feel like reality is a PRODUCT of my perception. More like a wall or heavy barrier that I have to constantly dig at to get a glimpse.

    • #294634
      Bonnie A. Bus

      I wonder, if I don’t like to realize my dreams and aims, but only imagine them, would it be good?

      Some dreams are too idealistic to realize, or I don’t know how to realize, but I don’t mind to dream them. Could my dreams being picked up, by someone who likes to realize?


Viewing 6 posts - 67 through 72 (of 207 total)
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