Do you ever feel like reality is the product of your own perception?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 2. Perception of Reality Do you ever feel like reality is the product of your own perception?

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    • #184662

      yes of course.  What I perceive I see.  If I change my perception, then I change my reality.

    • #184599

      Sometimes I do. I am far more sensitive to this concept when I experience other people who not sharing my perception of reality.

      I often recall a lesson I heard describing three levels of: (1) faith below reason, (2) faith within reason, and (3) faith above reason. I struggle a lot when others seem to operate at what I would call “below reason.” I would greatly enjoy gaining greater understanding about perception and how we experience and/or generate reality.

    • #128343

      Yes, I’ve realized that everything I can perceive is comes from my brain. Brain collect all the impulses from all the sences and filters them, coorects them, explains them and present to “me” after the whole process.

    • #128228
      Anthie Televantou

      Yes, for example when we are having a bad day and we cannot let go of what made us angry, we start to perceive everything as negative. This is just your perception because your mood is cloudy. If we wake up and we are having a great day, we are ever so friendly and kind, causing us to perceive reality as beautiful. It all comes down to the emotional state of the individual. That’s why we should be kind to those having a bad day and try to understand them, helping them feel better and see the positivity in these troubling situations that life brings us.

    • #127811

      Reality is independent of my perception although I may (at times) feel like it is a product of my perception.

      My perception of reality can change as I develop in a connected way.

    • #127630

      Yes as far as my Ego is concerned, but I always felt a sense of guilt or inadequacy of judgement of any given reality/situation and that there is something i am unable to comprehend.

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