Do you ever feel like reality is the product of your own perception?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 2. Perception of Reality Do you ever feel like reality is the product of your own perception?

Viewing 6 posts - 109 through 114 (of 207 total)
  • Author
    • #222162
      Jan Koons

      Of course. It’s all we know until we grow and learn of many different realities in different time and space. Our perception has to change then.

    • #221830
      Amy Padilla

      Absolutely…when I see events unfold for the greater good, it changes my own perception of reality.

    • #221569

      Yes, looking forward to applying this methodology for oneness!

    • #221370

      Before Kabbalah I didn’t have this perception, but now I understand that when I change my perception I change my reality too.

    • #220158
      hamilton de sousa

      yes. Our reality is what we perceive. Depending of the level of our consciousness. This way  the world seems to be different for each one of us. We can call this world haven our hell.

      We can perceive a problem as an opportunity to grow and develop our just become a victim and complain that the world is not fair.

    • #219197
      Maria Memoli

      Before knowing Kabbalah, I was not aware about it.

Viewing 6 posts - 109 through 114 (of 207 total)
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