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    • #221184
      Lu Lu

      No questions just yet. thank you.

    • #189989
      Tadeu Pereira

      No questions !

    • #184679

      If the same process started again starting from Shoresh, with Memories of what happened before, how would Zeir Anpin act differently?

      • #190204

        There’s no such possible scenario because the 4 Phases of Direct Light are the phases of the Light, how it influences the desire, and so there are no real decisions on the part of the desire.

    • #184678

      My question has to do with the following statement from the Check for Understanding section:

      “The Four Phases of Direct Light is both a process that takes place in the Upper World and a template determining all subsequent processes in reality”

      Does this mean that we are to understand the Four Phases of Direct Light as a pattern that  occurs both a priori (as a fact of the Upper World) as well as a posteriori (as a dynamic process in this world)? I am thinking of something similar to the order of operations (like PEMDAS) in algebra, which is both an atemporal algorithm of logical progression, as well as a temporal procedure that takes place in real time in the course of working out an algebra problem. Am I on the right track here?

      • #190205

        Sorry I missed this. We have mathematics, laws of reality because these laws belong to some Upper, more inclusive law. We are its expression. It is above space and time. Time, even the physicists understand, is imaginary. So I can’t answer in those terms because all our time folds into this 4-letter-name that is above time and space. But it is also expressed in every part of the whole, like a fractal, and so throughout the reality, including that which is as if belonging to a moment in timespace.

    • #184387

      How does one identify where they currently are in this process or where does one sit at the moment in order to progress themselves? Or is there nothing we need to do to progress ourselves on the journey, is it being done by the upper forces and we are experiencing it?

      • #190206

        We need to activate the Upper Force to work on us. It will grind us into the correct state eventually, but that is a long, painful way to get into the mold that the Thought of Creation necessitates us to be in. Where are we? In an imagination, a dream. We need to awaken from it by learning about the true spiritual state we’re in, from the wisdom of Kabbalah. For now, we are below the Barrier to the spiritual world, and we enter, like a baby is born into this world, from a pitch black room into a world filled with the Upper Light, meaning from what is by contrast a dark, miserable world than which there is no lower, worse reality. But it’s a great reality in that it has a purpose and a correct, beneficial use (that is, it is to be used to reach the spiritual world).

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