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    • #285781
      Arian parshan

      thank you ,

      can we assume ,the shame is root of annulment ?

      • #287199

        Shame is the root of everything practically. It’s true that because of the Shame that caused the realization of the oppositeness to the Upper Force, the desire to receive is willing to annul itself. And this annulment is required to begin using the desire in an opposite form, in the direction of bestowal. And without a complete stop that is truly as-if permanent, we can’t start going in the opposite direction.

    • #283910

      Beste Instructeur, beste   Gianni  Ik dank U voor deze aangename lessen. Vandaag  leerde ik een nieuw  idee  nl over spirituele  schaamte .  Wij willen zo graag  ontvangen  maar  vooral ook  geven,   zonder  terughoudendheid  zonder schaamte   anderen  gelukkig maken.                                                                                     Toch mensen  zeggen  me: ”  je  hoeft je voor niks te schamen…”   je bent veel te gevoelig,”  mag ik dan denken  dat dit te maken heeft met mijn spirituele schaamtegevoel,    omdat ik hetgevoel heb dat ik niet genoeg kan geven


    • #282468

      What is the drama between the light and the Kli and how is shame involved?

      • #282478

        The drama between the Light and Kli is all there is in Creation. Except we don’t feel it yet because the Kli is now broken and out of this brokenness we depict reality. The Light wants to fill the Kli but for that the parts have to connect. We are those parts. We don’t feel any Shame in our state because we don’t feel there is an Upper Force permeating everything and bestowing to us.

    • #282296
      Richard Lively

      So shame is a good thing, therefore it is shame that pushes us naturally to the creator.  The brain calls this maladaptation.  We can eat something that is delicious but eventually it loses its savor and literally our desire to finish it after eat so much.   I think I understand, we ran from the creator to the lowest of all worlds because we did not want to feel this feeling which eventually we have no choice but to feel and that is our same point we must reconcile our differences to learn to receive  properly or simply continue rejecting and be miserable.

      • #293012

        If I understand correctly. Shame is always there to begin with. Is just that we’re living Unconsciously and we can’t see that we are at the mercy of the upper force. We don’t realize that we are Completely dependent on the Creator.

        I guess!

    • #281990
      Sol Belo

      Where does the Light of Hassadim (in Bina) that is opposite to the Light from the Creator originate?

      • #282047

        It isn’t opposite the Light of the Creator, it is the Light (pleasure) in being similar to the Creator, which is of a higher quality that the pleasure in reception. In receiving what? It doesn’t matter what? The pleasure in similarity with the Creator is a sublime, exalted thing.

    • #281216
      Sol Belo

      Faith above reason sounds to me like a quantum leap out of the comfort of my egoistic perception. So, I am as yet at a loss what I can do with the Four phases of Light beyond just being aware of it.

      • #282048

        Of course. We don’t perceive Four Phases anywhere. We don’t feel where we are with respect to the spiritual reality yet. We’re under that reality, not in touch with it.

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