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    • #302251
      Prescilia Javnyuy

      I also wish to know is the masach formed only in Bina, because Bina is the one that refuses the pleasure from the king? Or other faces form masach too?

      • #302326

        No Masach is formed in Bina or in the Four Phases of Direct Light, in general. The Masach comes after the Restriction.

    • #302250
      Prescilia Javnyuy

      Hello Gianni,

      When Bina refuses the light; how does the ohr Hozer become the new vessel. How does the rejected light suddenly become a vessel?


      • #302325

        You may be slightly confused. Here, it’s Malchut already – not Bina. Malchut rejects the Light, and as she never wants to receive again unless it is to give contentment to the Upper Force, the Giver, so she only will agree to receive according to the will of the Upper Force – not according to her own deficiency. Therefore, there’s an authority outside her according to which she receives. It’s a new vessel.

    • #297016
      Abe Tapia

      What are the different roles that Bean plays in the tree of life?

    • #293372
      Aaron Lessin

      When is spiritual shame first experienced?

      • #294344

        When a person starts getting a sensation that he stands before only the Creator, in each situation: There is none else besides Him. There are a few more things, but this is already very advanced.

    • #293110

      Understanding that the Wisdom of Kabbalah is a science of spirituality. If I’m not wrong.

      Where there is a Formula. That if is followed by the student. It will reach the end goal.

      Does Every student has to go through this Spiritual Shame? Is this process part of that Formula?

      • #294345

        Well, Kabbalists write that “spiritual shame is reserved for high souls.” Which means – yes – we have to go through it, but there are many, many other states that are closer and more relevant to us.

        The formula for reaching spirituality is easy to provide. You know, like you can say e=MC2. However, the proof for that is a hundred pages of math only a few people in the world understand. The spiritual formula is LIGHT = DESIRE x SCREEN. Light is any pleasure and all the pleasures because we’re in an ocean of light but receiving it depends on the Kli. Like champagne could be pouring from the skies but I have only burlap sacks; or gold is falling from the skies but all I have is a champagne glass. Therefore I need the correct Kli (desire). And, there’s a law that you can’t receive without a Screen. …So, you need the whole wisdom of Kabbalah in order to realize this equation.

    • #285782
      Arian parshan

      you described  that bina or behinat bet is desire to bestow upon  creator ,but below tabur  appeared desire  to bestow below one ,

      what is the root of this situation?

      • #287198

        I don’t know what you mean by “bestow below one”. Bina is the desire to bestow, and only to bestow. But there are desires below Tabur that want only to receive. However, they are willing to receive in any form possible. Meaning if I can bestow and by bestowing receive, then I’m willing to bestow. We see this in our world that a person is willing to give an object if through giving I receive something even more important than the pleasure of having the object. For example, I can give a million dollars if it will get my child into Harvard. But he doesn’t need Harvard for the money/career – we’re already fabulously wealthy. Why do wealthy people pay millions to bribe their children into Harvard? So that people will respect me, because my kid goes to Harvard. So, how much is that respect worth? Much more than those millions of dollars. So, it is not important how to receive. The will to receive doesn’t ask WHAT or HOW. It’s that what I will receive the most important thing to receive and in the greatest quantity and with the minimal giving possible, as any giving must be subtracted from my account of what I receive.

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