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    • #190141

      Will we rise through the upper worlds once we learn the Blueprint of Creation, or does learning this just help us to recognize where we are in the upper world when we cross the machsom?

      • #190199

        Both. This is the structure of the soul. It is not built yet. By learning about it, we awaken the Surrounding Light, and it builds these vessels in us through which we feel the spiritual world. The structure of Creation we study in this course is not the only means, but it is one of the means, and a pretty clean one – because w do not enter spirituality with our corporeal brain, and especially this part of the wisdom of Kabbalah does not enable me to clog myself with the imagination that I’m already in the states discussed, as I might elsewhere. Here, any reasonable person knows they do not have access to what’s discussed here, and that leaves the person with a deficiency to feel, and this deficiency causes the force in nature (Surrounding Light) to work.

        • #190209

          Thank you.

    • #189600

      No questions yet.

    • #187992
      Sol Belo

      Thanks for the answer to the last question and comment

    • #186171
      Tadeu Pereira

      I have many questions in my mind…But I will wait more before start asking.

    • #184780

      What is the end result we are looking for. Or should I say, the creator. If I die not understanding, where do I go and will I stay there for eternity? Will I have another chance in another lifetime? If I figure it out in this lifetime, what happens? And if I do figure it out, how come I can’t share the information with my family and friends? Will I still continue into another lifetime? How many chances do I get?

      • #184817

        Hi Jeremy,

        The Upper Force guarantees that the Plan will be carried out. Like unyielding parents that guarantee their son will graduate the first grade. If not this year, the next. The same activities and tests await him the next year, which he believed he could avoid. The players around him change a bit in each round, but the the inner changes he will have to make in order to pass the grade remain for him to make one way or another. And he has nowhere to go except that grade, there’s no other place suitable for him, since the grade is designed especially for him, the way he currently is, and the corrections he needs. Of course the easiest it will ever be for him to pass, is right now. Next time they will give him a harsher rulership because he is increasingly tardy in his correction. He’s too big for the place he’s in, and his environment too starts to demand his correction in increasingly harsh ways. He as-if wants each time to be as one of the regular first graders but they less and less accept him as just another one of them. This way a person gradually feels a harsher correction environment in life, and that’s why we should not even think about correcting ourselves at some other time, but only now, to realize the Final Correction while we’re still alive in this world.

    • #184634

      If I trust the creator and just do everything I can to stay connected, going to the lessons, contributing, staying humble, and organize my life just in order to study in the environment and develop there, will he change my life in a way that I will feel less anxious and more calm? Or is feeling calm irrelevant for being successful in the work?

      • #184640

        The Upper Force doesn’t want us to be calm, but there’s also no necessity to be stressed out with corporeal issues. If I would be worried all the time about spiritual matters – reaching connection with others and the Creator – then I would not need so many troubles sent to remind me that there is a meaning for our life in this world. The Upper Force isn’t interested in our good, peaceful existence in this world whatsoever, but only in sending plenty of messengers to pressure us to realize the goal of Creation.

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