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    • #128576

      <p style=”text-align: right;”>What is the difference between sefirot and partzufim? Thank you.</p>

      • #128593

        A Partzuf is a system made of Ten Sefirot, or 3 parts which each have Ten Sefirot in them – Ten Sefirot that belong to the Rosh (head), which decides everything for the Partzuf; Ten Sefirot in the Guf (body), which is where the pleasure is received; and Ten Sefirot of the Sof, which has to remain empty because those desires there are under Restriction, because they cannot be used in order to bestow.

    • #128203

      Hi Friends, at present moment I have no questions but I am sure that period of no questions will not last long.

    • #127991
      Danielle Vergonet

      My question. Lately we have the corona on this world and it’s all about freedom. People feel not free anymore, while I perceive it was always the case but what’s inside will be projected on a bigger screen in this time so that we get confronted with what is inside us and we can correct that. And that while being busy with this we see we can only go inside and be connected to really feel free. I am not sure, at the beginning of this course this comes to mind. Am i a bit in the right direction?

      • #128005

        Yes. Everyone will realize that we don’t need to worry about anything except what are we living for? So, that we will worry only about this, nature will now create circumstances in which there will be nothing else to live for. There won’t be all kinds of goods, nor vacations, nor hope of fame. We’ll see billionaires’ fortunes simply deleted. People will be left penniless. Otherwise we’re willing to be satisfied with little, meaning we don’t need the Upper World, the Creator, the meaning of life. This is how our nature is. But if it has nothing from which to derive pleasure, the ears open. Of course it’s preferable that people hear an advance that there is a method of running towards connection instead of the suffering pushing them to connection. Because all goodness transpires from the correct connection – no matter what you can imagine, it’s from the correct connection. And all bad that you can imagine happening, that’s from the broken connection. The quality of the connection between people is the source of everything.

    • #127021

      No questions at this this time, the questions and answer from above are at present  time giving  me satisfaction, thank you to the ones asking them and off course thank you for the answers


    • #126335

      I’m still trying to wrap my head around this whole promise that all of my pleasures will be fulfilled.

      I mean, I can think of a whole host of pleasures that are the deepest longings of my heart, which I just know for a lapidary fact will never, ever be fulfilled in a million years. For example, I can name at least seven women with whom it would be ultimately fulfilling for me to be partnered with. I could name several dozen countries whose music, religions, culture, food, and languages I deeply desire to imbibe and internalize. I could list the titles of thousands of books that it would give me immense, fulfilling pleasure to read, but which I never will because there is just no time to do so.

      So why do you hold out this slick message of the late night advertiser or used car salesman, that the Creator want to fulfill of these desires when we all know that this is just not going to happen?

      • #126345

        No, those pleasures the Creator isn’t interested in. He didn’t create this world for you to enjoy. It’s only to develop you. Like how a good parent only provides the child experiences with an eye to his development. Also, the period of babyhood for humanity is ending, and so there are no more states on the horizon that we would’ve called “good”. That “good” which you like a small child call good, like when a child says he’d eat cake and watch tv all day, the Creator hates. The Creator is only interested in His definition of good, that each moment we’ll move closer to bestowal, and that means, first, closer to the connection with others that leads to connection with the Creator. It’s actually a restriction on the desire for any self-benefit one can imagine. Later, later, and so much later that it’s useless to bother with it right now, there is the opening of the desire (and those are much deeper than any one can now even fantasize about) and the desires are all used in order to bestow but that’s as useless to think about now as talking about one’s next next next incarnation. One has first very serious devoted work in connection with others according to the advice of Kabbalists.

        • #126355

          Okay, now that’s some straight talk. Thank you for that.

          So, my advice to KabU teachers is to stop misleading people in your introductory talks by saying things like “the Creator created a creature to receive endless pleasure.” When people hear that, their first thought, “Oh, okay that means the Creator wants me to get everything I want.”

          What you really should be telling introductory students from the get-go of a basic course in Kabbalah is, “What you think is ‘pleasure’ is not really pleasure. You are delusional. The Creator wants to give you true pleasures that you cannot even imagine right now in your low estate, in your deluded way of receiving.”

          In my humble opinion, I just think you guys should say it like it is. Don’t beat around the bush by luring people in thinking that Kabbalah is like all the other trashy schools teaching the so-called “Law of Attraction.” Tell the truth from the start like a splash of cold water in the face, and then people will realize what they’re getting into.

    • #63111

      No questions as of yet

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