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    • #126335

      I’m still trying to wrap my head around this whole promise that all of my pleasures will be fulfilled.

      I mean, I can think of a whole host of pleasures that are the deepest longings of my heart, which I just know for a lapidary fact will never, ever be fulfilled in a million years. For example, I can name at least seven women with whom it would be ultimately fulfilling for me to be partnered with. I could name several dozen countries whose music, religions, culture, food, and languages I deeply desire to imbibe and internalize. I could list the titles of thousands of books that it would give me immense, fulfilling pleasure to read, but which I never will because there is just no time to do so.

      So why do you hold out this slick message of the late night advertiser or used car salesman, that the Creator want to fulfill of these desires when we all know that this is just not going to happen?

      • #126345

        No, those pleasures the Creator isn’t interested in. He didn’t create this world for you to enjoy. It’s only to develop you. Like how a good parent only provides the child experiences with an eye to his development. Also, the period of babyhood for humanity is ending, and so there are no more states on the horizon that we would’ve called “good”. That “good” which you like a small child call good, like when a child says he’d eat cake and watch tv all day, the Creator hates. The Creator is only interested in His definition of good, that each moment we’ll move closer to bestowal, and that means, first, closer to the connection with others that leads to connection with the Creator. It’s actually a restriction on the desire for any self-benefit one can imagine. Later, later, and so much later that it’s useless to bother with it right now, there is the opening of the desire (and those are much deeper than any one can now even fantasize about) and the desires are all used in order to bestow but that’s as useless to think about now as talking about one’s next next next incarnation. One has first very serious devoted work in connection with others according to the advice of Kabbalists.

        • #126355

          Okay, now that’s some straight talk. Thank you for that.

          So, my advice to KabU teachers is to stop misleading people in your introductory talks by saying things like “the Creator created a creature to receive endless pleasure.” When people hear that, their first thought, “Oh, okay that means the Creator wants me to get everything I want.”

          What you really should be telling introductory students from the get-go of a basic course in Kabbalah is, “What you think is ‘pleasure’ is not really pleasure. You are delusional. The Creator wants to give you true pleasures that you cannot even imagine right now in your low estate, in your deluded way of receiving.”

          In my humble opinion, I just think you guys should say it like it is. Don’t beat around the bush by luring people in thinking that Kabbalah is like all the other trashy schools teaching the so-called “Law of Attraction.” Tell the truth from the start like a splash of cold water in the face, and then people will realize what they’re getting into.

    • #63111

      No questions as of yet

    • #62497
      Lu Lu

      Thank you for being available.  I can already see a new reality and share it with the ones I love. My question is, how do I encourage my family to be open-minded to learn Kaballah?

      • #62500

        You can’t because Kabbalah doesn’t run in the family nor does it crossover the way other common interests do. The Point in the Heart emerges by the Upper Force, one doesn’t know why, and as long as it’s awakened, it’s the sensor with which one appreciates Kabbalah. This point fell from the Upper World Kabbalah writes about, and this Point longs to return to its root. But if this Point is not already awakened in the person causing them to search for Kabbalah, you can’t interest them in it more than in a passing, superficial way.

        • #128301

          You say we can’t we can’t encourage our families. I guess that was good for me to hear. It is my opinion that some very select portions of what I am learning can be shared with people who have become disheartened with their current paths and in the increasing decline of our society.

          To learn that the ENTIRE PURPOSE of the creation is for US to receive ALL that the Creator had for us and that EVERY atom and event in the physical universe is EXQUISITELY FASHION to lead us to that end, is a game changer.

          EVERY DAY I encounter people who are desperate for BETTER answers, whose hopelessness breaks my heart. After 20 years of studying Judaism and with 8 of them dabbling in Kabbalah and 2 years of material like this, I feel like I am nearing a point when I will be able to provide a short, but comprehensive PEEK into this UNIMAGINABLE world that TRULY IS…the Blueprint of Creation for the increasing number of desperate people I run into.

          You are right, I must not expect to do anything more than introduce them to something which may or may not spark any desire to further explore.
          BUT…at the same time, didn’t the work of Baal HaSulam mark a new chapter in circulation of Kabbalah, that his work was to distribute it much more broadly?

          If we believe that we have reached a time when Kabbalah will flow to people like never before, then I am willing (and only very recently ready) to provide bite size samples to those willing to listen for an hour or two with the expectation that we WILL see more and more people willing to receive it.

          BUT your words of caution are TRUE…we (I) can’t “sell” this material. I cannot pursue people, or heaven forbid, try to convince them. I can only OFFER selected bits and pieces to those whose path and timing seem appropriate AND STOP THERE. That is our work; to learn to work WITH “nature”, not try to BE nature. It is nature that KNOWS who is ready, not me.

          I am a retired firefighter. I have rescued a lot of people with or without their permission. This is different. Here, people have to leave their burning building of their own volition; my job is just to make sure they know they CAN leave, if they want and if they don’t, well that is between them and nature, right?

        • #128303

          There are a few reasons I give the above advise. The most important is for the person who is here to develop himself. If he really does that, it will develop those around him more than all the words. They will feel his spiritual advancement, even though they won’t have words for it. Whereas if he disseminates this wisdom to those not in his near environment, for example by sharing a link of ours out on the web, if people don’t want it, they have no personal qualms with him; but if he accidentally awakens resistance in those in his inner circles, now he has stoked certain underground resistances in the environment he dwells in. For now we don’t feel how these different currents influence us. That’s why each can do what he wishes, but I recommend only to disseminate in a hands-off way, in the vein of “here’s a book you might like” (one of our beginner books). If you get a good review after a few days, you’ll have your answer, and if they don’t say anything or say something negative, you’ll also have your answer, but this way it doesn’t cause the person to think you’re on some strange tangent.

    • #61625

      I am sorry to take up so much space with my questions but I do have another that I have not had an opportunity to ask yet. I have heard some mention of a 6000 year cycle and understand that we are within about 250 years of the completion of that cycle. I would like to know more about what we will need to accomplish, as a humanity, in order to achieve the best possible outcome during this period. I have learned a little bit about the path of light and it’s expedition over the path of pain, but I have not learned any specific milestones or thresholds that we can recognize as ample progress. I am truly not asking to predict the future I am just asking if we have any landmarks to help us measure where we are currently in the process.

      if you have any resources that explain this further I would be grateful.

      • #62503

        I think you may enjoy Introduction to the Study of the Ten Sefirot by Baal HaSulam. It explains the whole process we go through. Nothing I’ll say will compare to learning from Baal HaSulam but I can say that the milestones, if you will, are straightforward: try to connect according to the advice of Kabbalists, reach “don’t do to another what you hate,” and later “love the other and you love yourself, that is, with all your heart, soul and might, and when you do your love of the Creator too will be complete.” But humanity hasn’t even begun.

    • #61623

      This has continued to reoccur in my mind for years. Because I see society devolving rather than evolving, I have wondered if the shattered fragments continue to shatter as we fail to ignite the spark. In other words, because there are 7 billion people today, are these further fragmentations? Has the failure to develop the point in our heart caused the devolving? Are we further away in our seemingly more advanced and subsequently more self interested society? I guess we can’t be further than 125 levels away from the Light. I just thought maybe we further fragmented to make the correction more attainable? Now you’ve mentioned we are working backwards from the reconciliation, it kinda makes sense that we would be the most fragmented/self interested since creation.

      • #61626

        Hey Laura, you can say so, that we are more and more shattered, although, in truth, when the Shattering occurred, it was a complete shattering; and from Above, there is also no time and space, but yes, in our perception of reality generations come and go, but it’s actually the same desire evolving and its evolution appears this way in our eyes. Also, we see changes in the world, but it’s only the revelation of what’s already there. Let’s say you have a new romantic couple and they look at each other as if everything is pink. A force of nature comes between them that glues them, causes them to see the flaws in the other but this force covers the flaws “with love” (although it’s not really love, but let’s say). This love causes them to make all kinds of concessions for the sake of the connection because the force filling their connection feels like goodness. Now, in society too there used to be a force that covered all the differences between us. Let’s call it capitalism, the American Dream, this sort of romance. Those too are just kind of how the force that covered our crimes and flaws sort of manifested in our awareness. But that development is over, the way, in a romantic relationship, there is no way that that force of nature that came between you is going to naturally keep binding you together. That’s only for a time. If you wish, you can say that it exists long enough for you to get married and have babies, and possibly to raise them, and not much longer than that! Nature also bound us together only to achieve its aim with society, and that aim was to make us utterly interdependent. That was what was really happening all while we thought we were discover different trade routes, new lands, buying and selling slaves, spreading religion. All this was to intertwine us by so many ties – internal, psychological, religious, political, financial – in order to externalize what is very much an airtight integral system of internal connections between us, such that one cannot even think a negative thought about another person without instantaneously harming himself. So this world is for us to reveal that we are connected, but we’re connected in a very bad way. Moreover, it’s for us to finally “get it” that we do not have the tools to create a good world, not with green energy, not with democracy, not with communism, socialism, anarchy – whatever you can think of, it will be bad. And the more pretty it seems, the more of a holocaust the reality of it will be. It’s for us to understand that we don’t know the way, in our egoistic vessels. Not as individuals, not by democratically deciding together. Because the way to connection – and all historical development was, in the end, different attempts at finding the way that people living on a planet together could live, and possibly even enjoy safety and even pleasure – cannot happen among people unless an Upper Force comes to connect us. We are like croutons in a bowl that cannot be connected unless a soup will come into it and then we’ll be “together” bound by the soup. Now, the way this force connected us just a little but before, we need to now pull this force into the connection again. Of course, if we do this, through the Wisdom of Connection, we will discover that our world can truly be the Garden of Eden. We can’t fathom how it could be that every person, though their pleasure used to be only at the expense of others, will have their deepest hidden desires fulfilled to the point that they can’t imagine something more or better than that. But only if we will connect. And truly the world, especially the United States, is in a state now of connection or destruction. In either case we’re going to soon discover that the laws of the universe don’t work anymore. You’ll turn on some device and see that it doesn’t work somehow. Not to mention that the political systems and economic systems falter. A new law inheres: the law of connection. That if you connect correctly to others, through education in how to connect, then whatever you need as well as wondrous sensations, the sense of the Upper Force, will materialize; and the further you move away from connection more and more clearly you’ll see direct negative results emerging.

        • #61637

          Thank you so much, not only for taking my question seriously but for giving a really thorough explanation! It’s almost comforting mankind is not going to find a way through green energy, democracy etc. because it’s certainly not working! Connecting is a really difficult practice for me. I have a lot of contempt for mankind, yes even myself. The egotism is sickening, so I presume I’m in the right place. I would mention I was at Congress in ’10 and didn’t get it; maybe not my time.

        • #61918

          Correction, I attended Congress in ‘08 in Fallsview, NY.

    • #61415

      Hello, I seem to have the point in the heart (that is the desire to have answers to the question what is life about)  already since I was 12 years old.  Still I struggled since that and never reached fulfillment. Can Kabbalah help me to get there?

      • #61422

        That’s what Kabbalah is for, to open up this seed, which has in it the potential to open up the Upper Worlds. It’s a closed point for now but out of this precious point emerges a whole new reality. It needs around it people who also have this point (this can be a virtual society like ours), books by those who already attained that Upper World, and a teacher (which can also be through the computer screen).

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