How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

  • This topic has 328 replies, 318 voices, and was last updated 2 weeks ago by David.
Viewing 6 posts - 7 through 12 (of 319 total)
  • Author
    • #394174

      Pray for the creator to change me rather than praying for the creator to serve me.

    • #394012

      By praying in a way that will be of service to others so that you may also receive from it.

    • #389672
      Spencer Davillier

      By Praying For What Me And The Friends Lack To Attain Equivalence Of Form With The Creator.

    • #389660
      Raymond Franklin

      The best prayer is the prayer of the heart. This prayer will induce action backed by the power of love. This is the best type of prayer and the one that helps us to become more like Boreh.

    • #388562

      The answer has to satisfy the creature and the creator therefore the desire to receive we pray for should have the intention of in order to bestow.

    • #386829
      Edward Onyango

      That the Creator will change and correct me to attain similarity with Him to receive the delights purposed for me for His pleasure.

Viewing 6 posts - 7 through 12 (of 319 total)
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