How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

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    • #155714

      I have know for 42 years that God hears prayers from the heart immediately, ever since I was on a cold park bench in New Orleans in 1980, homeless and praying for peace in the world.  The thought crept through my mind that I could stand this if I just had a pillow.  A voice of someone I heard but never saw said that I looked like I could use a pillow and put a down sleeping bag under my head.  I realized God answered that desire, because it came truly from the heart.  Now, I pray that He may use my eyes to see as He sees, and my hands to do as He would do.

    • #127817

      By praying for a new perception that aligns with the Creator as well as praying with the many for the many, my prayer(s) will be answered.

      • #190966

        I find this encouraging, thank you. 😊

      • #185259
        V C

        Thank you for that story. It helped me understand the true nature of prayer. Yes, let us see with God’s eyes and touch with His hands today… always.

    • #127639
      Anthie Televantou

      Praying for the right things and from the heart. To ask our Creator to bring us closer to Him; to guide us and to pray for others( altruistic prayer).

    • #127275

      By heart-felt petitions to the Creator; asking for changes to occur within us, rather than in the Creator or uncontrollable circumstances, so that we are better positioned to receive for the benefit of others as opposed to receiving in an attempt to try and satisfy the insatiable ego.

    • #126900
      Caio Sandoval

      By asking for help in cleaning our palate and changing our perception, so as to see and receive everything the creator had bestowed and wishes to bestow upon us

    • #126356

      My prayers will be answered when my intention is strong to receive and my desire is in alignment with the Creator.

Viewing 6 posts - 175 through 180 (of 327 total)
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