How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

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    • #56849

      Pray to ask for the wellbeing of others without selfishness with the intention of helping them, and for the pleasure of the creator who always grants. I have to understand that I am also the “other”, and consequently I will also be enjoying the gift.

    • #56764

      Pray by my soil and heart


    • #56524

      I just posted this on Facebook and then realized I should share it here where it might actually be read!

      Just heard Tony Kosinec say the prayer of the Kabbalist is NOT for G-d to change the way “he” is treating us. But for G-d to change US! G-d please change ME so that I can feel and receive the all the goodness you endlessly pour out to me.
      That is what I want too because when I can’t feel that, not only can I not enjoy it myself, I can’t share it either, which is double pain. Pain upon pain.
      Hodu L’Adonai Ki Tov
      Ki L’Olam Chasdo
      Say it again with me, my friends, until we feel it to be true, always.

    • #56120

      To pray for interior re-imagination or transformation.  “Help me to see the good in what I now see as only bad.”

    • #55971

      A prayer is the voice of a need or a lack of or in something  the voice is not in supplication but in “A heartfelt demand for the creators help” I believe if u can truly “Demand ” anything from the creator  (not ask)   and do it without any qualms or even an internal cringe the creator will hear that call ? Maybe?

      • #287091

        A prayer is a two-way street. I come as I am, fully open, honest, sincere; God scans me; I might ask something specific (ask for help), but my whole being is LISTENING for the answer. God ALWAYS answers, but often it takes me a while to receive (perceive) the answer (seldom years).

        I dare … taking this to extreme: God is praying to us 24/7, to serve our best interests. How much do I hear, listen to, receive His/Her directions, corrections?

    • #55951
      Madell Weathers

      have the desire to pray for anyone and the knowledge to know that it already been answered

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