How can we live our life (our current incarnation) to the fullest?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 2. Perception of Reality How can we live our life (our current incarnation) to the fullest?

Viewing 6 posts - 55 through 60 (of 199 total)
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    • #319040

      being present and aware of this beautiful connection to nature and everything!

      choosing to connect to the right people in the right places and engage in the right beautiful things, like understanding and studying the spiritual world

    • #317830
      Rune T. A.

      If I asume that by “we” you mean as a society, we must, in short, organize ourselves as one big family, “as one man with one Heart”. Meaning we must all agree to one common individual goal, to serve each other in order to reveal The Creator.

      If by “we” and “our current incarnation” you mean each of us seperated from each other, try to live to the fullest by the ego. I guess we have to realize that the most fulfilling life is one lived with the intent to bestow happiness and joy to others, plus the study of how to receive correctly (kabbalah).

    • #317704

      How can we live our life (our current incarnation) to the fullest?

      Intend it and then act.

    • #317285

      By choosing the path of the Light to accelerate our development.

    • #315543

      To work with diligence to be as Altruistic as possible. I wish to understand my egoism and to give, unconditionally.

    • #315229
      Terry L

      Focus on spiritual advancement.

Viewing 6 posts - 55 through 60 (of 199 total)
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