How can we live our life (our current incarnation) to the fullest?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 2. Perception of Reality How can we live our life (our current incarnation) to the fullest?

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    • #332657

      Conscious correction egoego from reception for one’s sake to bestowal..everything else is an attempt but our purpose is correction inorder to enjoy full pleasure and all seemingly external things are within ao onceonce I connect with everything it seems somehow one gets light in reality for example sensitivity to past present and futufuture becomes relevant and all syncing starts..and passipassing it on to othersothers and study 9f torah and observe mitzvah to please God directly I am on thus path sincesince 2016..good luck it’s amazing once you undress all former misconception of life in general..

    • #331368
      maria santos

      By not getting caught up in the material/possessions/greed of this life but focus on connecting to our true selves

    • #330731

      By constantly connecting and seeking the will of the creator in all that I do, think and say.  By lifting up my fellows, family and community to their highest potential.  By learning how to bring balance to the inner tension of my will vs the will of the creator.

    • #330620
      Roberto Ayala

      Learning and applying Kabbalah every day 🙂

    • #330454

      Submitting to the creators correction.

    • #330115

      Now I am 74 I realise that time seems to pass faster as each year passes. that is of course I am not in the dentist chair. So I try to live live as if each day is the last. This has led me to try to love those I come into contact with. Family and friends are easier than casual contacts. I try to speak to those who are homeless and on the streets. these tend to fall into two types those who are trying to keep clean and want to find somewhere to live, and those who are addicted to alcohol and drugs. both groups have produced quite deep conversations although most of the latter are hoping for a hand out by talking to me. I also try to speak to shop workers and others. I also take advantage of the opportunities life presents for enjoyment.

      As for the Kabbalah I recognise that I am a late starter and have much still to learn and far to go. I try to put my trust in the creator and seek his help on the journey. I watch as many videos as I possibly can. and join Live groups when available. These are more difficult because I am disabled and need to to sleep when some of the videos are on. I used to be a night owl and study at all hours but these days I drop off to sleep during the day. Despite all this I enjoy studying the Kabbalah and I certainly enjoy life and am happier  than I have ever been.

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