How can we live our life (our current incarnation) to the fullest?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 2. Perception of Reality How can we live our life (our current incarnation) to the fullest?

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    • #43647

      we live our life’s connecting with others in order to correct and bring the upper light for a new world.

    • #43641

      Definitely by choosing the right environment but also by considering another’s circumstances or interests and trying to find a middle ground to satisfy both ones needs and the needs of others. By resisting judgment and maybe finding the lesson or silver lining in all things? And by doing to others that which we’d only want done to ourselves. I personally struggle with the idea of reincarnation because I’d much rather progress in a non material realm, as opposed to a material realm which sometimes feels like a tour of duty, but maybe it’s possible to achieve this painless progression in the here and now through wisdom instead!

    • #43521

      I can see that the Path of Pain is not working out for me. I’m going to take a shot at the Path of the Wisdom of Kabbalah with you guys. Old age, disease and death once seemed very far away. The realization that I’ve been here before, perhaps many times, makes me think that I’m becoming one of those guys who stays at the party too long. We all know those guys. I don’t want to be that guy (again).

    • #43378
      Ometto Felice

      i really hope so

    • #43261

      By finding my true purpose and living it to the fullest. For me, it always comes back to being of service and living in gratitude, regardless of the external circumstances of my life.

    • #43241
      Mariana Ferreira

      I have no idea what the answer to this question might be. I deeply believe that I will find it through Kabbalah’s methodology.

Viewing 6 posts - 157 through 162 (of 199 total)
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