How can we live our life (our current incarnation) to the fullest?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 2. Perception of Reality How can we live our life (our current incarnation) to the fullest?

Viewing 6 posts - 145 through 150 (of 199 total)
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    • #50309
      Sifiso Mpongose

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Our mission is to have the desire and will to bestow the light to our Creator. We need to connect with each other, correct the ego mind into an ultruistic stage, where it is not about individual always seeking pleasure and delight for themselves. Only seeking the truth and attaining all the Creator’s attributes. Grow, development, direction, correction, connection,  expanding our vessels is pivotal.</p>

    • #49127

      Paradoxically – balanced between spontaneity and deep reflection. Breathing easy, connected to and inspired by the divine nature, morally, in service in beauty as the be loved creator would dream and actualise it so?



      As Love

    • #48112

      door ons egoisme te veranderen in geven, schenken, meer aandacht aan anderen geven en niet altijd onze wensen maar die van de andere op de eerste plaats of op de voorgrond zetten. En vooral door te genieten van alles rondom ons, de natuur, de dieren, de mensen alle mogelijkheden die de Schepper ons geeft, die we krijgen om tenvolle te leven en te groeien en te worden als de Schepper

    • #46531

      We Can choose to accept and take up or receive the true meaning of life. to do that we need to understand what that true life is.

    • #45180

      Helping others for the right reasons

    • #45176

      Learning, striving, being more aware and conscious?

Viewing 6 posts - 145 through 150 (of 199 total)
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