How can we live our life (our current incarnation) to the fullest?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 2. Perception of Reality How can we live our life (our current incarnation) to the fullest?

Viewing 6 posts - 163 through 168 (of 199 total)
  • Author
    • #42944
      kenneth kimani

      By first understanding the fact that we really are small in the great scheme of things and also acknowledging the fact that we are flawed and need fixing. Then finding out how to begin rectifying ourselves step by step while enjoying all that comes our way in the absolute belief that it is for our own good. And I speak from experience.

    • #42941

      The truth is I DO NOT KNOW. I feel irrelevant already.

    • #42888
      Fernanda Ianella

      Being bigger than our EGO and remembering every day that we are LIGHT covered by a human body

    • #42811

      By learning there where my heart leads me.

    • #42531

      By enabling our spiritual development through what freedom we posses in each moment we have as individuals. The end of this reality is predetermined, though the path of getting there is up to us. Whether pain or pleasure, take measure of your heart and strive to relate to it all through your best understanding of natures’ balance. And through this develop your intention from reception into bestowal.

    • #42475

      Surrender and take actions based on the intention of the creator.

Viewing 6 posts - 163 through 168 (of 199 total)
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