How do you think you could tune into the right frequency to begin to experience higher levels of human existence?

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  • #33167

    Gil Shir

    How do you think you could tune into the right frequency to begin to experience higher levels of human existence?

Viewing 6 posts - 61 through 66 (of 85 total)
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    • #62993

      For me connection happens when I drop to my heart and put myself in a position to understand the other person intention and need. When I understand the need of the other I can relate to it easily as all needs are humans and it is through remembering that we are all human that I connect. When it comes to nature it is so easy to connect, I just feel the benevolence of nature and send gratitude.

    • #60683
      Rune T. A.

      By tuning in to the frequenzy of wholeness. I know the tools for that are many. I had an experience of it as a child, starreing at a butterfly for what felt like a long long time, wondering what it was like to be him/her, why it was here (in the world) and why I could see it. After some time I felt amizing, it felt like we were one and the same and I forgot myself and everything else and just stayed in that sensation. I have only had that feeling 5 times in my adulthood. 3 times in nature doing the same thing, and 2 times playing my guitar. Now, the experiences I have had playing the guitar was not quite the same, it did feel like I was in another realm, only I did not experience it as me and my guitar was one and the same but rather like what was “comming out of me” wasn’t comming FROM me. It is almost unreal. I guess it is simmilar (if not the same) to what some people experience during meditation or what Zen Archers really aim for.

    • #58722

      I think if we could exit our personal ego things would appear clearer to a true reality

    • #58693

      I could tune into the right frequency to begin experience at higher levels of human existence by connection like the whole world of the ants where they teach all of us how to connect and care for each other.

    • #58020

      Trying to overcome selfishness and hate through love, and being conscious of the link with the Creator.

    • #57792

      ~ Earthing (bare feet on the Earth) at least 20 minutes a day to plug into the Shuman resonance.
      ~ Tai Chi
      ~ Positive, uplifting, and spiritual music
      ~ Avoiding negative emotions and cultivating positive ones
      ~ Mindfulness and meditation
      ~ Studying the Kabbalah texts, especially with friends

Viewing 6 posts - 61 through 66 (of 85 total)
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