If you wanted to show the Upper Force that you truly would like to be in contact with it, how would you do so?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 8. The World of Adam Kadmon – Part 2 If you wanted to show the Upper Force that you truly would like to be in contact with it, how would you do so?

  • #55413

    If you wanted to show the Upper Force that you truly would like to be in contact with it, how would you do so?

Viewing 6 posts - 127 through 132 (of 140 total)
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    • #190439

      I would join a Group within Kabu, Study texts from authentic Kabbalists and have my Teacher. I also would demand correction from the Creator so as to have my will to receive become an intention to bestow to the Creator.

    • #187330

      I would jettison fear and regret as fast as possible.

      Fear is the idea that something “bad” can/will happen. There is no such thing as “bad”. The Upper Force HAS to take note that I “trust” it SO much that I no longer worry. I don’t know if I will live or not, but either way is the path to the next level.

      Regret is the idea that my past altered my present in some fashion that I wish I could change. A) That is true….on the surface. Certainly EVERY single decision altered my trajectory. B) But all we HAVE is THIS moment. No matter WHAT it is, it is the EXACT PLACE I need to be. THIS moment…THIS place is EXACTLY what I need to get to my ultimate adhesion with the Upper Force.

      Instead of fearing and regretting, I want to cherish EVERY moment as a PERFECT GIFT, a gift that is SO EXQUISITELY FASHIONED I will not understand the depth of it till I attain a few levels.

      I think The Upper Force will be THRILLED if I seek to uncover the INFINITE potential of EVERY MINUTE I have in left in this world because those moments, EACH moment, is the only link I have to the Upper Force.

    • #184862

      By continually praying from the heart for a deepening desire of intention for correction of egoistic desires.

    • #184803

      Use every chance I get to go to the lesson and to connect to the environment. Pay the maaser right after the rent, electricity and internet, before anything else. Focus on only asking and saying things that are relevant. Don’t express any emotions that aim towards satisfying myself. Not giving up and don’t pay any attention to shame from past transgressions. Just hold onto the path.

    • #183798
      MO YA

      by Acting and doing things in same or in similar way that he does

    • #182966

      Hi Friend

      It is said that in spirituality to be far or near is measured by there qualities, far-qualities are dissimilar and near-similar qualities so I would move toward the Upper Force acquiring similar qualities to It.

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