If you wanted to show the Upper Force that you truly would like to be in contact with it, how would you do so?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 8. The World of Adam Kadmon – Part 2 If you wanted to show the Upper Force that you truly would like to be in contact with it, how would you do so?

  • #55413

    If you wanted to show the Upper Force that you truly would like to be in contact with it, how would you do so?

Viewing 6 posts - 115 through 120 (of 140 total)
  • Author
    • #281436

      Be connected with my Ten, so that through them with prayer, we build a place within us for the creator.

    • #280931

      meditate, pray, live in the now, without fear, transform personality to individuality, only make conscious decisions, be an example, live in love and compassion as well for myself as for others

    • #280925
      Jonathan Hague

      Make effort to attune or align more closely to the Creator through the mental, emotional and physical faculties – which is often about practical matters.

    • #280791
      kevin jackson

      by asking the upper force to change me so that I would able to come into contact with it

    • #280572
      Adelina Santos

      I would folllow the sages advise.

    • #280480

      To do everything I can to grow this desire through study, connection and prayer.

Viewing 6 posts - 115 through 120 (of 140 total)
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