If you wanted to show the Upper Force that you truly would like to be in contact with it, how would you do so?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 8. The World of Adam Kadmon – Part 2 If you wanted to show the Upper Force that you truly would like to be in contact with it, how would you do so?

  • #55413

    If you wanted to show the Upper Force that you truly would like to be in contact with it, how would you do so?

Viewing 6 posts - 109 through 114 (of 140 total)
  • Author
    • #283015

      I would ask in order to receive.

    • #282926
      Wikus de Bruyn

      By becoming like it. If you like someone, it could be because of their qualities. Therefore, you mimic those qualities to become like them to be closer to them.

    • #281949

      I express this and get all kinds of cool stuff in return. And I’m not referring to materialistic stuff.

    • #281728
      W Kabu 10-Joy

      Restrict the Upper light coming to my will to receive and bounce it back to him.

    • #281577
      Sol Belo

      Study Kabbalah and review  the intention behind my actions each time

    • #281483

      By having faith and being truthful. Helping my people and letting them help me.

      When I can, I try to develop myself and strive to be better, but when my people need me, I am there for them.

Viewing 6 posts - 109 through 114 (of 140 total)
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