In what situations does concealment make something more attractive than it would be otherwise?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 7. The World of Adam Kadmon – Part 1 In what situations does concealment make something more attractive than it would be otherwise?

  • #55409

    In what situations does concealment make something more attractive than it would be otherwise?

Viewing 6 posts - 55 through 60 (of 128 total)
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    • #318562

      Concealment results in ignorance of the Upper spiritual world,  therefore we believe the pleasures of this world are the ultimate attractions, until the time we awaken to the pleasures of the Upper World, and then we realize there is no pleasure in concealment.

    • #317265

      when we have a desire.  once we have the desired we no longer want it.

    • #315325
      Deborah Majen

      Any situation that can cause a feeling of lack. In this world I would say it is anything you would want for yourself in which others may have that you don’t have; hence, you become attracted to it because it is elusive.

    • #314697

      It seems in all situations concealment makes something more attractive than it would be otherwise.

    • #313059
      Graphic Unity

      Concealment can make one dig deeper for the answers.

    • #311472
      Seeker of Wisdom

      I feel it almost as a courting process. The beautiful bride is behind the veil waiting to be revealed but only when correction is made (though we would be more like the Bride, since He is the One who bestows). It is like a journey of many lifetimes to be with my true beloved. True love from the true Creator who is a jealous God because His beloved belongs only to Him, and though she has played the harlot in many different ways, He has created a path back to Him. To feel the love from Him as a first born son, or His beloved Bride feels like the truest love of all that was hidden/concealed from us in a world that seemed hopeless. We are the prodigal sons and daughters of the Most High Elohim.

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