In what situations does concealment make something more attractive than it would be otherwise?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 7. The World of Adam Kadmon – Part 1 In what situations does concealment make something more attractive than it would be otherwise?

  • #55409

    In what situations does concealment make something more attractive than it would be otherwise?

Viewing 6 posts - 61 through 66 (of 128 total)
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    • #311216
      Jack Brenon

      In all situations.  Concealment is the denial of attainment which it increases the desire for it.  In desires for food, shelter, sex, money & power, knowledge and finally spirituality.  Any concealment in them ends up in more motivation (using the brain) to attain them.

      The question is: Where do these desires come from?  The creature or the Creator!!!!! If it is the Creator, then He is increasing one’s desire to attain it.  If it is the creature, then God help us as we are doomed (smile).

      A hungry man will seek food where it is available, but when denied in all of the attempt he will reach the level of an animal to get it by stealing or even killing.  The same goes for all the level of desires listed by Kabbalah.  Now “Shame” (maybe tzimtzum aleph at birth) and found in Beni Adam forces one to seek the desires with the least amount of damage to society and oneself, but when denied (depending on the level of desire and level of soul) can either descent to the “Animate level” or allow the soul to rule to forgo or moderate the desire to a level that is productive for both society and oneself.

    • #311079

      when I feel attraction, desire.

    • #307793

      A wrapped present

    • #307204

      Makeup job to hide imperfections, window dressing, putting on a brick facade on a wooden house, Venisian palaces deceiving  with wealthy appearence, padded bras, could gonon amd on.



    • #307082
      Rune T. A.

      I think of the ways I poison my body with delicious toxins. I think of arguments that ends with two parts seperating instead of uniting.

    • #303950

      I think any situation when concealed is much more attractive. I think it’s because of curiosity.

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