In what situations does concealment make something more attractive than it would be otherwise?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 7. The World of Adam Kadmon – Part 1 In what situations does concealment make something more attractive than it would be otherwise?

  • #55409

    In what situations does concealment make something more attractive than it would be otherwise?

Viewing 6 posts - 49 through 54 (of 128 total)
  • Author
    • #330144
      Dennis Ibrahim

      Because in order to attain it we need a desire for, to crave for it. We have only crave for something which is important to us

    • #328487

      Het is als  bij  een eerste ontmoeting ,men  stelt zich aantrekkelijk voor . We  verwachten veel  en kledij  verbergt  kleine dingen ! En we  willen  meer ontdekken,  ervaren,  ontvangen

      Net zoals bij  een  geschenkje  de verpakking  de inhoud  verborgen houdt. Het maakt ons nieuwsgierig,  ongeduldig  ook.  We doen het langzaam open  om er lang van te kunnen genieten.

    • #326488

      Perhaps it has to do with freely choosing to invert our intention from receiving to bestowing, free from the ego’s pleasure and pain dynamic.

    • #321508
      Dante Yigael

      In what situations does concealment make something more attractive than it would be otherwise?

      I’ve noticed in most situations when something is concealed my desire for it increases.

    • #321122

      In every situation concealed things appear more attractive than they usually are. When something is concealed, we tend to imagine it like a pot of gold, like it is everything we ever wished for. Our expectations run high in such situations as well as our motivation to chase it, uncover it, attain it, receive it.

    • #320615

      When one is aware that something is concealed and has curiosity to reveal what it is.

Viewing 6 posts - 49 through 54 (of 128 total)
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