In your own words, what is the purpose of this course of study? What do you hope to attain?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 6. Inverse Relation of Lights & Vessels In your own words, what is the purpose of this course of study? What do you hope to attain?

  • #55405

    In your own words, what is the purpose of this course of study? What do you hope to attain?

Viewing 6 posts - 79 through 84 (of 136 total)
  • Author
    • #287973

      The purpose of this course is to explore the creation of worlds, the relationship between Malchut and The Light. I want to attain a better understanding of the worlds, as well as of myself, and also to attract the reforming light.

    • #287962
      David J

      I, being a part of we, want to obtain the wisdom of Kabbalah for the purpose to attain equivalence of form for the we

    • #287572

      Emotional joy/peace

    • #286603

      Clarity; understanding; knowing where I am going, why and how to get there..

    • #286439

      For many years I have felt this sense of “homesickness”, which I now see as a desire to understand others and the world around me–in the past year and a half this sense has gotten much stronger and I know I’m on the right path. This course is integral to my journey and will help me to not only understand this sensation, but also further curb my ego and increase my ability to give love/help others/share my understandings/experiences.

    • #286426

      To know more about life and reality. To learn to be willing to bestow the blessings I receive from the Higuer Power.

Viewing 6 posts - 79 through 84 (of 136 total)
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