In your own words, what is the purpose of this course of study? What do you hope to attain?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 6. Inverse Relation of Lights & Vessels In your own words, what is the purpose of this course of study? What do you hope to attain?

  • #55405

    In your own words, what is the purpose of this course of study? What do you hope to attain?

Viewing 6 posts - 109 through 114 (of 153 total)
  • Author
    • #284394
      Lindsay Brill

      The purpose of this course is to help us understand the reality we live in, and to ultimately, learn how to reach true fulfillment through the equivalence of form with the Creator. In other words, it is my hope that through this course, I will learn how to develop an active relationship with all of Creation – where I can truly feel the Light in all parts of my Being.


    • #284047

      Om inzicht  te krijgen in de spirituele wereld,  om alles beter te begrijpen  wat en waarom er  gebeurt in en rondom mij,  om te groeien  op  het spirituele pad  en om  goede connectie te maken met mensen met het punt in het hart

    • #283669

      I hope to attain a better understanding of the spiritual worlds -the root system-and how I can connect with other people with a point in the heart to help correct my desires from egoistic to altruistic.

    • #283247
      Richard Lively

      In all honesty I came here to learn the blueprint for how the tree of life works, I feel that if i saturate my knowledge of the wisdom of Kabbalah my mind and ego have to stop eventually fighting what is reality.  So even though I work hard to study I know I have to wait on the reshimot to happen naturally so I may learn why I am here, and how to perceive what is actually real.  This takes time, so here I just expect to learn how the tree and forces work.  Specifically I am interested in where to find in the course material exactly what SAG is (I have been told it is basically binah but it was not explained how) and What SAG actually does.  I was told this course would explain everything I wanted to know about the tree so here I am. :D.  I am learning in my course work though, this course although it started about me is not about me; rather its about us.  Understanding how the tree connects us all.  I may not understand this correctly but its what I am starting to feel should make sense.

    • #283180

      To learn what reality is.

    • #283037

      Equivalence of form!

Viewing 6 posts - 109 through 114 (of 153 total)
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