Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 2

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  • #32045

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 745 through 750 (of 992 total)
  • Author
    • #41507

      Hi my name is Immaculate. Born in Italy. So much to say and I don’t always find my words. I do know this and only this is that since age 12 I have been on a journey to experience myself as love!

      Wonderful to meet all of you!

    • #41506
      Carol Lee

      Hello, My Name is Carol. I am from Mansfield, Ohio. I feel led to this. Ready to learn more.

    • #41495
      MAROUANE Bakiz

      I am Marouane from morocco 2 years ago I discovered the wisdom of Kaballah by youtube ” Kaballah revealed since then started my lovely experience with Kaballah and the good connection with the Bnei Baruch masters and members and I am looking forward for more connection with all the points in the heart.

    • #41492

      Hi! I’m Alex. I must admit that my curiosity about Kaballah knowledge is not to enlighten just me.
      I’m in a large group where I share my experiences. And I think that I’ll be able to give my compatriots a glimpse of Kaballah’s wisdom and purpose and encourage them to take a close look at it.

    • #41486

      Anthony Izebuno is my name. I am from Lagos, Nigeria. I am interested in Kabbalah just to know more about myself and God. I am sure it will show me how to live my life fully. Thanks.

    • #41485
      Collen Figo

      Hi. My name is Collen from Egypt. I am an Israelite metaphorically going to Jerusalem but lost some perception of the glorious path. I have been asking myself why I can’t succeed in the material plane yet physically and mentally gifted. I have a strong sense of rebellion and perceive life as a sold out material, and have a declination towards all religions and a deep sense of connection with a Qabalist torment kind of longing.. I feel insatiable with anything I currently see played out as reality.. And at a younger age I remember being taught secret powers without knowing of their inherent meaning until my quest for truth sent me through forbidden books in my country.. I can’t satisfy the desire to know know the creator without a veil of idolatry or religionism or philosophy and even theosoohy. I want to know the original point of becoming from 0 to 1.i can already perceive a sense of 0 negativity which is Nothingness which begot 1 the complete incomplete which is the Abba of all numbers… How do I move from here to there with my vague approach to the Mount Sinai.. I believe The whole reception is above human normal perception especially existentialism and materialism how far can I get wrong? I desire what I can’t define because It is not possible to define it. I hope you help me move from A to perhaps I could find 3 on my own feet once I get the foundation..

Viewing 6 posts - 745 through 750 (of 992 total)
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