Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 2

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  • #32045

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 901 through 906 (of 986 total)
  • Author
    • #38972

      Hello, my name is Paul and I would like to learn the teachings of Kabbalah.

    • #38940

      Hi my name is David I am the father of 5 boys. I started my spiritual journey when I started questioning life and then one evening a being in the form of a woman in a crystal white and blue form was floating over my bed. I was so scared. I then started seeing like a video screen and images and information flashing in my mind. From there I joined the Rosi Cruix Order and then started studying in the golden dawn. I have wanted to learn Kabbalah for the last several years just never took time to do so. I know this is the missing key to the mysteries that I have seen and witnessed in my life. I can not explain everything that I have witnessed but it has been a lot. I am grateful that you offer these courses to help people find spiritual truth and rest!

      David Steele

    • #38935
      robert Rufi

      Helloo everybody,

      My name is Robert,

      I’m just looking for correct questions.


    • #38932

      Hi I’m Matt and eager to learn

    • #38931

      Hello, i hope to finish this course because ten years ago i didnt. Have been following kabbalah since then but i feel i need to learn some basic consepts to go forth in right direction.


    • #38922
      Uche Nzechukwu

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi ? I am Uche I want to discover my real purpose in life.</p>

Viewing 6 posts - 901 through 906 (of 986 total)
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