Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 2

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course Introduce yourself Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 2

  • #32045

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 133 through 138 (of 992 total)
  • Author
    • #183005
      Jeremy Adam

      I’m Jeremy, happy to be here for part 2😃

    • #182903
      Sergio Villalobos


      My name is Sergio, I’m from Costa Rica. I’m starting this journey and I’m here to learn the much I can

    • #155709

      Shalom.  My name is Guy from Colorado.  My wife introduced me to Kabbalah and became obsessed with me learning it.  Unfortunately, she is not the best person to explain a field of study, so I dismissed it for some time.  However, I found KabU and began to see the writings and teachings of the Christ and the early apostles and prophets in many of the things I am now learning and now can see where Kabbalah can augment and strengthen my own Christianity and help me with my other studies and writings.

    • #128669

      Hi my name is Daniel. Fan of Ken Wilber and Ra Uru, wish to study Kabbalah in more depth to fulfill the deep spiritual longing to attain an unfading awareness of transcendent interconnectivity with all beings on planet earth — especially the adult humans! even those who appear to be living in a state of significant fracture…


      i’m from boston. philosopher, poet, musician, entrepreneur.

    • #128659
      Jeremy Adam

      Jeremy. Hello!

    • #128658
      Jeremy Adam

      Shalom, Im Jeremy. I am from Portland Oregon, have lived in Israel too. I am in Seattle at the moment. Baruch Hashem I’ll be back in Israel soon!

Viewing 6 posts - 133 through 138 (of 992 total)
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