Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 2

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  • #32045

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 157 through 162 (of 992 total)
  • Author
    • #126841

      Good day to all! My name is Avraham and I’m from the Philippines. So happy and excited to take this course with all of you. 😊

    • #126387

      Hi, my name is Sharilyn, and I am from Long Island. I am excited about the course(s) because I want to change my inner qualities and work with the laws of nature so that I will connect to harmony and joy (as stated in one of KabU’s videos).

    • #126353

      Hi, I’m Ann Frances from Hyderabad, India.  I have recently started watching videos on Kabbalah and am interested to know more about this antient wisdom of the patriarchs.



    • #126290

      Hello everyone, I’m Priya. I first heard about Kabbalah in the late 90s when Madonna was associated with the teaching. However, I’ve only started watching videos on YouTube about Kabbalah for the past 1 week. I look forward to learning Kabbalah from an authentic source and meet everyone in this course:)

    • #63329

      Good day to everyone, My name MikeG,and  for long as I could remember I was interested in the kabbalah beyond religion and magic The Kabbalah still captures my interest indeed, an I hope to get a grip on it in our days.

    • #63291

      Hi, I’m Marcin from Poland. I’ve just started studying with KabU. I hope to manage to break through the Matrix of reality and build connection to the Light.

Viewing 6 posts - 157 through 162 (of 992 total)
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