Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 2

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  • #32045

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 475 through 480 (of 986 total)
  • Author
    • #46979
      Budhi Ram

      I am flight engineer from Indian AirForce and block level education coordinator in Himachal Pradesh in India. Have Master degrees in Astrology, Economics and Indian language Hindi with very good fluency of English language

    • #46884
      Tyler Maxwell

      Shalom my name is Thom Maxwell I am a single man 54 years old. I live in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I am deeply spiritual have been since I was a teenager. I studied all the world’s spiritual paths. I ended up back where I was born a Jew. I am learning my faith all over again from a fresh perspective. Hashem is merciful and forgiving I can testify to that from the bottom of my heart!

    • #46879

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hello this is Aqsa, I am 27 years old living in Lahore Pakistan. I raised in an environment where people blindly trusts on saints but I’m unable to understand what spiritualism actually is. Does it acually exists??? I have so many questions in my mind related to God and this universe and metaphysics. I’m joining this course just to feel the essence of myself and to answer the question ‘Who am I’?</p>

      • #47518

        Yes, you are right because i experienced the same as a Pakistani national that people blindly believe many myths and that they dont want to change their perception and that myths are completely illogical and that is one of the setbacks of our nation which is holding us back. Pouring ignorance via saints is a chief cause of it. Diving into wisdom of this universe, meaning behind the spirituality and personal ideologies paves a way towards a vast knowledge.

    • #46864

      Hello am Issah Zangbegu from Ghana. I want to learn more about spiritualism and be how to live happily. I hope this is the right place

    • #46774
      Bossman Phil Adams

      Hello am Phil from Ghana I want to know the ways of spiritualist and be in harmony to the universe and its way so I wish this class will help me to uplift my self and understand the world and life as well and am opening to learn from course and anyone thank all

    • #46771
      Bossman Phil Adams

      Hello am Phil from Ghana I want to know the ways of spiritualist and be in harmony to the universe and its way so I wish this class will help me to uplift my self and understand the world and life as well

Viewing 6 posts - 475 through 480 (of 986 total)
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