Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course Introduce yourself Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1

  • #183236

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 367 through 372 (of 633 total)
  • Author
    • #302021


    • #301945

      Hi my name is Elizabeth from Pennsylvania. I have been so moved by the content on YouTube. I work with youth who struggle with mental illness as they try to grasp their place in a world turned upside down. I try to give them hope for the future that will be theirs to shape. The wisdom of Kabbalah has helped me place the current chaos in a broader context and I look forward to a deeper understanding.

    • #301584


      I´m Norman. Since I sign in for the course The  Kabbalah revealed I been watching videos from Kabu teachers that revealed secrets or give answers to some of the questions we all have, and what is curious for me is that as the teacher in the introductory video explains, when I learn most of this answers I feel I have them with me from before but they were more a feeling than a rational thought..

    • #301535
      Sharla Windham

      Hello, my name is Sharla. I’ve been studying Kabbalah on and off (mostly off) for about ten years. My time zone isn’t great for watching the live graduate courses. I’m hoping to get a deeper understanding of life and how I can do my part to connect with the friends.

    • #301356
      Brotha Buddha

      Hello, My Name is Ezra, I am here to learn as much as I can about Kabbalah, I was attracted by the description and importance of “Connection”, I have never heard it expressed so beautifully or poetically as I have via Kabbalah.

    • #300698

      Hello, my name is Bobby James. I am from Arkansas, USA. I had been a part of this environment a few years ago and I have come back to stay and advance with you all. Only together.

      • #301232
        tewedaj befekadu

        Hi,my name Tewedaj ,I am from Ethiopia,Really I am happy with here

Viewing 6 posts - 367 through 372 (of 633 total)
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