Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • #29724

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 97 through 102 (of 422 total)
  • Author
    • #359719

      Hello! just wanting to learn more and get in depth knowledge that can be applied to my daily living.

    • #359068
      Mel Farrell

      Hi I’m Melissa from Australia listening to Dr Laitman, Tony Kosinec and others talk about Kabbalah makes me feel connected and hopeful

    • #358521

      Hi! I’m Monique. I had a spiritual awakening in 2019 and I’ve been consciously practicing shadow work since. I find myself moving to understand the Zohar and long lost ancient technology. The things that I learn will be used to better my community and family.

    • #356719

      I am 73 and have been studying “ Why do people hate the Jews”. I believe that they just do not understand the massive Divine intention for this blessed group. So I have started the Zohar after 4 years of learning history and have gained a different perspective and followed Christianity straight out to Israel where I know I should be. Washington state is my home in the town of Spokane next to the Idaho border. I just can’t get enough LIGHT. I was able to ascend Oct 6,2023 at midnight with yoga. Now I just soak up Kabbalah

    • #339320

      Randall from Boulder Colorado

      I am an artist in many mediums and in most ways.

      The Zohar came easy to me after 1st spending years introducing my self to the Qabalah in the 90’s.  My work as an artist has always dealt with the conscious / unconscious aspect of being human. Yes the Zohar is challenging, yet those are not the first words I would use in describing it.  It is Splendor.  It is rich in wonder and the lost oral behind written scripture revealing that even mankind was not created perfect and the first versions were disgrace.  After completing 2 readings of the 5 volumes, it still brings inspiration on opening to random pages and finding something that blows my mind. It has It’s place on my reading table.

    • #339211

      Hello, I am Michael from South Africa now living in UK.

Viewing 6 posts - 97 through 102 (of 422 total)
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