Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • #29724

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 79 through 84 (of 422 total)
  • Author
    • #369397

      Hi, I’m Stacy and I’d like to connect with others while learning the meaning of life through Kabbalah.

    • #369326

      Hi! I’m Veronica. I am SO excited to learn more about the Zohar, God and hope to better myself in the process.

    • #368045
      James Wright

      Hello, I’m James and I’m looking forward to understanding and becoming more aligned with the spirit realm.

    • #367174

      hi i am peter and I am looking forward to learn more about the Zohar

    • #365572

      My name is Mira. I am looking forward to learn more about the Zohar and to be aligned to the creator.

    • #365393

      Hi everyone, I am Diane, a Greek/Canadian, living in Greece. I have been studying Torah since 2009 and my quest for seeking the truth & the Creator slowly brought me to the study of Kabbalah. I have been spending hours of study in Kabbalah and Tanya since 2019. The Creator has amazingly guided me (mostly through the internet) to these studies and now I feel  I am ready and want to further my understanding of the spiritual wisdom in the Zohar. I feel like a child in the candy store when I think of what I am about to learn studying with these teachers and all the other students! I hope I am found worthy of this knowledge!

Viewing 6 posts - 79 through 84 (of 422 total)
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