Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • #29724

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 253 through 258 (of 422 total)
  • Author
    • #296071

      Olá eu sou Maria do Brasil, estou aqui por que quero entender o Zohar

    • #295855
      Tiago Casellato

      Hello I’m Tiago from Brazil, I’m here to learn more about the Zohar and hopefully be able to navigate through the texts better with an open heart.

    • #295730
      ahuz ziaf

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hello I’m Zuha from Maldives, I’m here to learn more about the Zohar and hopefully be able to navigate through the texts better with an open heart. I’m so grateful to have found this course and to be able to learn collectively</p>

    • #295064
      Heather P

      Hello! Nice to meet everyone. My name is Heather and I live in Florida. I recently stumbled across the Kabbalah and the Zohar in an attempt to find a greater meaning to this material life. Everything I have learned thus far has touched me, and I am very excited to open myself up to teachings of the Zohar and to gain everything this course has to offer.

    • #294810

      Hi, I’m Trevor. I don’t know much about the Zohar, but it seems important so I will try to learn about it.

    • #294737
      Bonnie A. Bus

      Hello nice to meet you. Bonnie is my name and I’m interested how Zohar gets unrevealed, if it will let me to comprehend

Viewing 6 posts - 253 through 258 (of 422 total)
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