Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • #29724

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 277 through 282 (of 422 total)
  • Author
    • #286894
      Abbaa Naa’ol

      Hello and first Thank you .. my name Is kebede Mamo from Ethiopia / Oromiya

    • #286476
      Ernest Karlsson


      I’m Ernest and I wish to increase my understanding of the Zohar.

    • #286355

      Hi, my name is Jose. Bringing more light into a kli.

    • #286354
      Katel Inko


      My name is Katel, an innovation researcher and naturally got attracted to this resource. My major expectation from this course is to seamlessly connect to my true self in order to manifest its limitless potentials for global awakening, transformation and goodness.


    • #286332

      Hello my name is Jesse and I live in Austin Texas. I’m new here and just have a desire to learn.

    • #286314
      Abbaa Naa’ol

      I am Kebede Mamo Dessis from Ethiopia – Oromiya- , for past of some year i read or follow  video free lesson through internet ( especially Dr. Michael L. and Tony Kusinic ) am selected this instructor from free of  doubt   and to get authotinic source  . my lesson is not formal and not step by step . to day am started the lesson by getting four month scholar sheep from  Michelle and the KabU team. first Thank you. My last Gol from all lesson to understand the spiritual world  and to receive  the light .

Viewing 6 posts - 277 through 282 (of 422 total)
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