Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

New Home Forums Course Forums Enter the Zohar: A Journey of Inner Transformation Start Here Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

  • #29724

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 349 through 354 (of 384 total)
  • Author
    • #43135
      Maria B. W12

      Hello Friends,

      I’m Maria from Hungary and joined this series of KabU courses to learn, how we humans can comprehend and implement with joy the original wish of the Creator by following the Straight Path of the Kabbalah.

      • #43171

        Szia Mária,

        Én is Magyarországról vagyok, Budapestről. Pár hete csatlakoztam, és egyre izgalmasabb számomra a Kabbala és a Zohár. A Bibliát is olvasgatom és kíváncsi vagyok, hogy hogyan illeszthető össze a Kabbalával. Rendeltem két magyar könyvet is Tőlük, de még nem kaptam meg.

        Üdv István

    • #43016

      Hello all. Well, all who read this, anyway. I couldn’t possibly address all of humanity at one tune, could I?

      Could I?

      I am already experiencing quite amazing things. Well, amazing for me, anyhow…. and for everyone and everything. ha ha!

      I’m getting it.



    • #42980
      Brandon Hopkins

      I’m Brandon and I’m intereated in practical applications of Kabbalah and as always, in gaining deeper understanding of the whole Reality

    • #42964

      Hi everyone, I am Stephen from Budapest, Hungary. I am eager to get the answers to my questions and get wisdom from The Kabbalah and The Zohar. For a while I am studying the Bible (OT and NT), and I am curious to know how the Bible and the Kabbalah complement each other.


    • #42959

      Hello everyone, I’m Bernardo, living in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Far too many G-d moments to doubt or ignor his existence. But I wonder, if he’s so interested in me, why pour so much light in such a weak vessel. I feel broken, stagnant and unable to reciprocate to the point of bitterness. Hoping to become stronger and more discerning via kabbalah and zohar teaching.

    • #42954
      Fernanda Ianella

      Good afternoon, my name is Fernanda, Brazilian, living in Orlando, FL.

      Kabbalah is bringing me peace from my heart and teaching how to deal with some questions about my existence here in this planet.


Viewing 6 posts - 349 through 354 (of 384 total)
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