Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • #29724

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 331 through 336 (of 422 total)
  • Author
    • #184861
      Delayne Mohammed

      Hi my name is Delayne and I am taking this course to better understand God and his creations including myself. I will also like to receive what the Zohar has for me so I can share it with others. Thank you for teaching us.

    • #184580

      Hello dear friends, my name is Zohreh. I have been searching for the meaning of life since I was a child and who I am, and I have been learning and studying the wisdom of Kabbalah for several years, and I am very, very happy that I have finally found the way to what I was looking for.

      • #184828


        My name is Irina. I’ve heard Zohar has is everything I need to know about my life. And it would help me to develop a sense “to see “ the Reality.

    • #184543

      Hello everyone. My purpose for learning and applying Kabbalah with all its intricacies is to attain “an equivalence of form” and to bestow to Nature’s creatures and to our Creator for His pleasure.

    • #126368

      Hello my name is Kelly.  I have been a spiritual seeker for many years.  I am not sure why, but something about Kabbalah is now resonating for me and I want to explore why.

    • #62912
      Rune T. A.

      Hello. My name is Rune and I am from Denmark.

      I yern to know the Creator and understand the full spectrum of life. Infact, I need this to find meaning and will to go on living in This World. Don’t worry, I’m not about to go take my own life, I just don’t enjoy it. I feel like I don’t belong here and everything just seems so pointless and futile if it all just ends with Nothing… It’s like I KNOW there is something more to life than what I see, hear, taste, touch and smell, and that I HAVE to, god willing, find out what it is…

    • #62570

      Hi, my name is Mike, I was always drawn to the kabbalah, and seek to know it whole heartly. Throughout my year of talking with many people who claimed to know the kabbalah, and I read many books which only left me still hungry and hope here I hope to get filled.

Viewing 6 posts - 331 through 336 (of 422 total)
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