Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,381 through 1,386 (of 5,278 total)
  • Author
    • #323632
      Yeshua Catherineka

      Catherine from Pakistan,

      Want to know the creator and understand puzzles of our lives

    • #323524

      Hello everyone. I am Kelle Pena.  I currently live in New Mexico, USA.  I have been on a path of spiritual awakening for the past several years that has led me here.  I grew up Christian but have questioned so much along the way.  I’m here to continue this path of transformation.

    • #323190

      Hi everyone. My name is Jmme but my friends have always called me Turtle. When I came to my initial study of Kabbalah at age 18, in the first book I read the author stated that no matter where you go, what the system, you will always find Kabbalah as its basis. Over forty years later with lots of reading and studying, meditating and contemplating, I can confirm that and say, on our respective spiritual quests, it was inevitable we came to be together here.



    • #323177
      peter badiar


      My name is Peter and I am from Slovakia. About 3 years ago I have started my path of deeper spiritual seeking. And as christian in regard to Old testament I realised that for me there are this 2 possibilities:

      1. the beeing described as god in tora is some mad semigod and I do not want to have anyhing in common with him or
      2. there must be some deeper meaning of the old scriptures

      And I am sure that  the second one is correct.

    • #323172


    • #323144

      Hi everyone,

      I am Sara from Canada. I’ve been seeking the meaning of life and the reason for being here as a human. I am grateful the path that guides me to be here and learn what lighten my way. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,381 through 1,386 (of 5,278 total)
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