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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #338473

      Hi all the new students, welcome to the KabU course Kabbalah Reaveald, so happy you’re here, there seems to be thousands of us. Although there maybe different reasons as to why we’re here individually we are a group and at at the soul level we’re all searching for that same thing we can not put into words. The wisdom of Kabbalah does put it into words…We are here to get close to our creator and in my words ‘pay him back’ for the abundance he has bestowed on us and in the process get close to him and be happy to do so. I hope I got it sort of right. I’m only in week 4 and these are ancient, extremely specialised teachings, once kept secret and I  can see why. The wisdom of Kabbalah is not easily revealed or understood, however, our teachers and Rav Michael Laitman are doing something that has no precedent, we are learning highly important, specialised wisdom and we must realise how difficult it must be for our teachers to put it into words and terms we can attempt to understand (maybe that’s why Tony draws all those diagrams) What I’m trying to say is were blessed beyond to have KabU. I find it difficult to process, it’s mind blowing work, and it is hard work for us to even contemplate. When I  get frustrated I just go back to what I can process and return to the rest later hoping it will sink in sometime. So when it gets difficult please don’t give up,just go with it and laugh, this opportunity we have been given by KabU is extremely rare, precious ancient spiritual guidance is being bestowed upon us every week by highly esstemed teachers, think about the rarity of this, I mean talk about bestowal. Please hang in here, dont give up. We owe it to those at KabU, doing such great work unravelling the wisdom of great Kabbalah masters through the years, we owe it to ourselves, because we’ve been given such a rare opportunity, we owe it to God. Best of all we owe it to our group because we’re all part of the same shattered thing and with a lot of help from the Wisdom of Kabbalah we’re putting our one self back together again.

    • #338458

      Hi Everyone
      My name is Helen and I live in California. Searching for the meaning of life is very important to me. I am here to learn.

    • #338455

      Hello Everyone, my name is Tina, my experiences so far have led me here, I am glad I found a space to join the collective that is also seeking further spiritual knowledge and wisdom.

    • #338445


      My name is João.

      I found very interesting the Kabbalah reveald videos on youtube, and i would like to know deeper the essence of the kabbalah wisdom.

    • #338418

      Hello everyone. My name is Albert. I’m looking forward to studying the wisdom of Kabbalah with you. May 2024 be a year of insight and love for all of us!

    • #338415

      Hello everyone, I am Amanda from Stafford in England. I’m so pleased to be joining you all. I’ve been listening to Kabbalah podcasts for a while now which has whet my appetite for more. I love to learn (and hopefully understand) and am really grateful for your time and energy in putting this course together. Here I go, it’s a new year & today is Day 1 of what I’m sure will be an amazing journey 😊

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