Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,453 through 1,458 (of 6,419 total)
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    • #374609

      Hallo, ik verblijf afwisselend in België en Spanje en wens meer te weten over de Kaballah nadat ik de abstract expressionistische schilders Rothko en Barnett Newman dieper heb ontdekt.


    • #374559

      Hello from Panama. My name is Jack. I look forward to joining you in the course.

    • #374547
      Lo Wt

      Thank You

    • #374491

      Hi! I´m from Brasil.

      Am I starting all over again? I really enjoyed covering the first 5 weeks but now, this  site doesn´t open the possibility to step ahead.

      I beg you to see to it.

      Thank you.

      • #375226

        Hi Ariano,

        If you’re having issues with accessing the course, you can use the “help ?” button in the bottom right to reach out to the tech support team.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #374474
      Alexander Luzin

      Salut, sunt Bogdan din Romania si mi-as dori sa ma alatur acestor invataturi.

    • #374461


      I am currently living in Paris, where I am in the process of conversion into Judaism. Visiting synagogue makes my life completely different then it used to be before. I am much more happy person now. Kabbalah have already given me answers to many questions and some peace to my soul. Very excited to see where this journey will take me. Thank you for this opportunity!

      Best regards

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