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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,435 through 1,440 (of 5,278 total)
  • Author
    • #321416

      Hello, my name is Jasmine Leah, I go by Leah, my background is in both Christianity and Kabbalah. I started my studies as a student of the Kabbalah Centre in 2008 and was a student there until 2018 at which point my life struggles began to take center stage and I have struggled to stay connected. However, I need to reconnect with what I am missing in my life in order to create the change I desire. I still study the Bible, Zohar and Kabbalah, but mostly on YouTube, however I am seeking guidance and accountability to continue to grow. A previous student of the Kabbalah Centre suggested that I try Bnei Baruch with Laitman, so here I am. I am excited to connect and learn and be a part of something much bigger than me.

    • #321412
      Yumiko Kasuha

      Hi, I’m Tantania (prefer to go by Nia). I just started learning about Kabbalah, there are a lot of mysteries about it that intrigue me and I view this as an opportunity to grow. Thanks for providing a means of deeper understanding.

    • #321389

      Hello… Myname is Elridge, and I’m looking forward to learning this science.

    • #321372
      Andreas Clironomos

      Hello everyone!! Really excited to study Kabbalha… My name is Andreas and I currently live in Heraklion, Crete… I am on the spiritual path for the last 20 years, though Christianity and through Buddhism.. happy to take this course…

    • #321338

      Hi everyone I am Ana, I am here looking for clarity to fulfill my purpose and learning to connect with the Creator.

    • #321307


      My name is Linda. I am reintroducing myself to the incredible, spiritual language of Hebrew, and ended up here after signing up for Gil Shir’s upcoming class. I have been interested in learning Kabballah for years.

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