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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 181 through 186 (of 5,066 total)
  • Author
    • #371216
      Jay (Chaim S.)

      Hello friends,

      After seven decades of life in this deeply broken world, in which my heart has been shattered and hardened repeatedly, I return to the wonders and divine elegance of Kaballah, this time not for  scholarly interest. This time with a resolve to move from my thirst for knowledge, to the levels of the spiritual and the world above.

      I hope this course will strengthen my desire to connect with the friends and  feel once more. I will ask the Creator for help in feeling so I might discover and experience the real meaning of equivalence of form, and move from my excessive egotism to the beauty of  bestowal on others and the Creator.

      Thank you Tony and friends for everything you do so marvelously. Shalom

      • #374111

        Hi Jay Chaim, “deeply broken world” is how I too perceive the world right now.

        Where are you located? Would be nice to be neighbours!


        • This reply was modified 1 month ago by Shulamith.
    • #371197

      Hello, good afternoon.

      Greetings from Brazil!

      My study of kabbalah began a few years ago practically alone. For everyday reasons I ended up abandoning it, but recently I went back to studying and by a stroke of fate on a Kabbalah page on Facebook, i ended up finding this website where it teaches us it’s secrets for free. I’m glad Kabbalah is becoming so famous. I hope to learn a lot here.

    • #371156
      Demilew Almaw

      My name is Demilew T.Almaw. born in Ethiopia, near Nile river. right now I am live in California, US.

      Learning is my part of everyday life.I came to KabU to learn about this feed my soul.

    • #371097
      Nikola Krnjic

      hello its me Nikola and my girlfriend Stefani she was born in Israel and we want to find out more about her heritage and religion. thank you Tony, for this opportunity.

    • #371045


      My name is Nidia and I am from the Netherlands. I find spirituality very interesting and when I came across the kabbalah, it appealed to me… Because from what I understand, is that it gives you understanding about deep life questions.
      Very excited to see what I can learn from this course and grateful that this course is made available!

    • #371008
      Giordan Martinez

      I was led to this point on my spiritual journey as I continue to ask life’s biggest questions, God points me in the direction I must go to find my answers. I’m very grateful and most excited to be here! I’m welcoming and accepting of all and send my love from the US.

Viewing 6 posts - 181 through 186 (of 5,066 total)
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