Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 163 through 168 (of 6,419 total)
  • Author
    • #428464
      Frank tore

      My name is Frank, i’m from norway.

      Got run over by a car, almost died.

      Best thing i learned after that was breathing (wim hof method) just good things started to happen ✨

    • #428445

      Hello everyone! My name is Monica from Canada. I grew up in a catholic family but I always questioned religion believes and always felt more attracted for spirituality.

    • #428444

      Hello, my name is Simon Orenbach. I am a child psychologist, author, and musician with a deep curiosity for cosmology. I am particularly fascinated by the intricate connections between the human mind, body, and the vast structures of the micro- and macrocosm. My exploration of these ideas naturally leads me to Kabbalah, as I seek to understand whether such fine-tuning could truly be the result of mere chance.

    • #428438
      Ali Ansari

      Hi everyone! I’m Ali from Iran. Glad to be here with you all. Excited about this fantastic opportunity KabU has created for people worldwide.

    • #428424
      Heinz B

      Greetings, my name is Heinz, I am a senior citizen, I was a hotel manager in my working life. For 47 years, i was very happily married, but for the last 2 1/2 years, i am alone . My darling is with the angels.

      My daughter, granddaughter, and her husband have been my reason for making the best of my current life.

      Why joined this group, I honestly am not sure, except for learning something that might give my life more meaning and understanding


    • #428423

      Hi there, My name is Zeihdu, I live in Australia. I read a lot about growing food n herbs, and self sufficiency.I love exploring n learning new things.
      I look forward to learning something I don’t know.

Viewing 6 posts - 163 through 168 (of 6,419 total)
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