Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #322149

      Hi everyone,

      I’m Marta and I live in Spain (Barcelona).

      I would love to study this ancient and respected tradition to become a more loving and grateful person. I really want to enjoy the freedom that comes from learning to observe and letting the limits that prevent us from sharing life-sustaining benevolence be removed. I really want to free myself from the shackles of self-interest, self-gratification, judgments, conflicts, competition. I don’t want to experience being at war with myself and others.

      I would love to breathe calmly, to smile frankly, no craving, no needs, no expectations. Without ideas to defend, without the pressure of wanting to be right. Just being here, enjoying the beauty of the gift of being alive, letting myself be open to life and to every living being. And live happily and simply, thanking and praising the wonders of continuous creation.

      I thank you for the opportunity of taking this course and I wish you all a very happy and meaningful life forever.

      Have a nice day!

    • #322143

      Hi everyone,

      My name is Jonathan from Chicago, IL. Originally from Paris, France.

      I am excited to join this group. I have been studying Kabbalah and love it. I look forward learning from this community.

      Thank you,


    • #322133

      Hello ! My name is Kristin I am from the state of Virginia in the United States  . I feel like I have been on a spiritual journey my whole life . For many years I complained and griped and asked “why me ?!” Only in the last few years did I even begin to fathom that all things are from The Creator and from one source and in that last few years it has led me here . So here I am .

    • #322122

      hi. Kai from Norway. looking forward to understanding more about the universe we live in

    • #322065

      I am Miho from Japan. I would like to know more about  “meaning of life”. and want to share how to live our life better !

    • #322041



      I’m Evan; I’m black, a Jew, a psychotherapist; artist; hitting 69 this year and still

      looking to give, at long last, some real attention to my spiritual life before i’m too old. 🙂

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