Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,581 through 2,586 (of 5,275 total)
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    • #299465
      RJ2 CELL

      olá meu nome é guttemberg nunes gabriel , eu sei que o caminho do conhecimento é como a arvore de vida ou seja tudo que temos do conhecimento temos que esquecer e temos que ter um recomeço do zero .

      saber que toda base do conhecimento vem de YEHÓVÁH ele deu tudo isso a nosso patriarca moshe e ele repassou aos outros . com tudo todos os estudos e bençãos recitadas tem que ter o nome santo de YEHÓVÁH Deus para que surta efeito por que todas as benções tem que ter o nome divino YEHÓVÁH .

    • #299420

      hi am Michael Opoku from ghana I want to learn kabbalah to again spiritual understanding and wisdom. 

    • #299419

      I am Michael Opoku from ghana, I am here to kabbalah to gain spiritual understanding and wisdom.

    • #299415

      Hi my name is Bethany. I am interested in Kabbalah as I feel it is one of the many steps on my spiritual growth process. I hope to learn about myself and the purpose of this existence.

    • #299410

      My name is Njeri from Kenya but you can call me Jane. I’m here to learn about life and to understand why bad things happen to good people.

    • #299369
      Pertti Olavi

      Hello Friends.

      My first name is Pertti and my Family name is Koivunen. I like to keep it safe and as a student, I will use the Name NORTHMAN THUNDERSTORM. You can call me NORTH MAN if You like. I live in Finland on the west coast of our country. I am trying to study Kabbalah The Science for everything. There are main questions like What is the meaning of our life? Who I am, really? Honestly, spoken What is Soul and The Group of 10 people together? ZOHAR texts and Bal Hasulam Writings; How I can understand that wisdom? And a lot more. There are no limits in this path but only together we can achieve coals.  Thanks to our teachers and The best Teacher DR Michael Laitman an opportunity to learn anything Kabbalah. Ok Here we are Have a nice week and Happy Days….

Viewing 6 posts - 2,581 through 2,586 (of 5,275 total)
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